Working with Young People

Enhancing Young Adults Independence (EYAI) was set up by Jo Brown and Rev Pippa Soundy in January 2012

Rev. Pippa Soundy

Jo Brown

EYAI provides practical work experience and mentoring for young adults to improve their employability and self confidence to enable them to become productive members of their communities.
All clients are under the employers temporary staff insurance for the duration of their work experience and all Mentors have appropriate DBS checks and their Safeguarding children and vunerable adults training is updated annually.
EYAI mentors are not specialised in any specific special needs areas, and therefore should they feel the prospective client needs more additional support than they can offer they will be happy to refer to one of the many organisations in the area that maybe able to offer the appropriate support for their needs.

What We Do

Training in a work environment

We find work experience for young adults (clients) within local companies. The companies train the clients in health and safety relevant to the position and train them in the skills to make them competent workers during a 12-week program.
Companies take the clients on as a temporary worker, paying them the appropriate wage. EYAI offers practical work experience for clients in various trades and services of their choice to support them gaining long term employment.
EYAI will also provide support through mentoring with self confidence, basic learning skills if required and personal development and independence to the client.EYAI unique selling point is they combine self development and self worth alongside practical work experience, with the mentor working closely with both the client and the employer to help them continue in employment.